path: root/src/internal
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/internal')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/internal/vis.h b/src/internal/vis.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf7a5b20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/internal/vis.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* This file is only used if enabled in the build system, in which case it is
+ * included automatically via command line options. It is not included
+ * explicitly by any source files or other headers. Its purpose is to
+ * override default visibilities to reduce the size and performance costs
+ * of position-independent code. */
+#ifndef CRT
+#ifdef SHARED
+/* For shared, all symbols should be protected, but some toolchains
+ * fail to support copy relocations for protected data, so exclude all
+ * exported data symbols. */
+extern struct _IO_FILE *const stdin, *const stdout, *const stderr;
+extern int optind, opterr, optopt, optreset, __optreset, getdate_err, h_errno, daylight, __daylight, signgam, __signgam;
+extern long timezone, __timezone;
+extern char *optarg, **environ, **__environ, *tzname[2], *__tzname[2], *__progname, *__progname_full;
+#pragma GCC visibility push(protected)
+#elif defined(__PIC__)
+/* If building static libc.a as position-independent code, try to make
+ * everything hidden except possibly-undefined weak references. */
+extern void (*const __init_array_start)(), (*const __init_array_end)(),
+ (*const __fini_array_start)(), (*const __fini_array_end)();
+#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)